Needing an energy boost?
Summer is a hard time for me. Energy just seems to melt with the heat and humidity we have here in Indiana. But I’ve got tools to help with that, and in July we are having a team wide challenge to help keep on track and let the energy flow.

One main part of this challenge is going to be utilizing the essential oil blend Endoflex, which helps support healthy thyroid function, hormones, metabolism and adrenals- everything in the endocrine system! (Hence the name endo-flex.) This oil works synergistically to balance it all, helping the body work towards a better place of natural energy. And it comes in a vitality option, so you can get a 5ml or save by doing the 15ml.

Some reasons to love EndoFlex- it has a fresh minty scent, it’s wonderful to support the endocrine system (and your hormones), works well with other oils, helps Thyromin (our natural thyroid supplement) work even better, perfect for a general health regime, and supports hormone balance through a mixture of Spearmint, Sage, Geranium, Myrtle, German Chamomile, and Nutmeg essential oils

Endoflex essential oil can help support your body's natural metabolic function also, which could in turn aid in dropping some extra weight.

When you provide balance to the endocrine system, you are giving support to the pituitary and pineal glands as well as the parathyroid, thymus and adrenal glands. Endoflex essential oil can help support your body's natural metabolic function also, which could in turn aid in dropping some extra weight. 

This blend is also great for teens and children as they develop hormonally because of the strain they have in those areas.

So why is the endocrine system so important? Well it is the network in your body that helps make hormones- insulin, thyroid hormone, cortisol, sex hormones and more. The hormones made in the endocrine system are responsible for almost every cell, organ, and function in the body. 

The endocrine system is made up of various glands. The hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and pineal gland are in your brain. The thyroid and parathyroid glands are in your neck. The thymus is between your lungs, the adrenals are on top of your kidneys, and the pancreas is behind your stomach. EndoFlex supports all of these in some way.

EndoFlex supports hormone balance through a mixture of Spearmint, Sage, Geranium, Myrtle, German Chamomile, and Nutmeg essential oils

While all of these glands are important, the thyroid and the adrenals are often the target of support because they are often out of balance. Energy levels, heart and breathing rates, body temperature, weight, mood and emotions, and even menstrual cycles are affected by these systems.


* Spearmint essential oil: Spearmint is fresh & minty, working as a booster for metabolism while also supporting the nervous system to bring beautiful balance.

* Sage essential oil: Sage has been used for centuries for purification and release of the negativity that wears us down from the inside - physically and emotionally

* Geranium essential oil: This beautiful floral oil is like a love note to the  hormones, liver, and pancreas as it provides balance to the systems.

* Myrtle essential oil: Myrtle is a cleansing oil that is incredible for the thyroid gland, helping to restore balance.

* German Chamomile essential oil: German Chamomile is calming to your system and especially supportive of healthy liver function.

* Nutmeg essential oil: Nutmeg is the star of adrenal support! Like a car that can't shift into the next gear, when our adrenals are worn out, we will sputter and find no oomph to continue moving forward.

* Sesame Seed Oil: This carrier oil is rich in Vitamin E and nourishing to the skin and body. It also means that dilution of this essential oil blend is not necessary! 

In July we will be running an accountability challenge for this oil blend, plus hormone support for both sexes (Progressence Plus for the ladies, and Shutran for the men), and we will have additional support products you can add and freebies even that you can add to help enhance your experience in this challenge! Let me know if you’d like to join, because this will be a great way to keep energy going through the summer!

Hope you join us! ~Naomi

PS: Did you check out the May giveaway yet? A gorgeous ceramic diffuser is up for grabs! 


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