Did we save the daylight? (Asking for a friend!)
If you are anything like our family, today was hard. Returning to “normal” time, after daylight savings is just hard. Especially if you have kids. They don’t understand & well, you try explaining to a screaming toddler the reason they are so angry is because the government decided to enforce these arbitrary rules… It doesn’t work. We’ve tried. 😬

At least the sunset was gorgeous yesterday, even if my kids were completely disregulated!
At least the sunset was gorgeous yesterday, even if my kids were completely disregulated!

Typically we try to use being a homeschool family to our advantage, and we attempt to “ignore” the time change by letting them wake up naturally, and encourage staying as close to normal schedules as possible. But that’s not possible for everyone, and so a lot of people struggle as we adjust back to our normal circadian cycle! (In case you didn’t know, this current time change is the “right” way our lives are supposed to be lived. Adjusting back is probably easier than when we switch to daylight savings, but neither change is helpful because it’s a shock to our bodies and their sleep cycles, which impacts our stress!

Sunday we took the day off and went exploring, plus fed the kids as often as they needed! We also let them sleep until they needed to wake up- attempting to keep their sleep as typical as possible.

We took advantage of the day off to go visit an area where sandhill cranes migrate, which is very near where we were married 16 years ago!
We took advantage of the day off to go visit an area where sandhill cranes migrate, which is very near where we were married 16 years ago!

Today we are doing damage control, and I wanted to share what we’ve been up to, in case you need the help too!

Stay hydrated & get plenty of rest! My husband, Sam, compares the time change to jet lag or recovering from an illness, so we are concentrating on keeping everyone hydrated, plus letting the kids nap or sleep when needed. Obviously as adults we can’t just nap when we want, but we prioritize getting to sleep earlier when possible. Two things I love to add to water to stay hydrated are Vitality Drops and Calm Magnesium powder! Both help keep my kids drinking water without having added “crap” I don’t want in it. We typically try to avoid using melatonin with kids, because of the potential risks of long term use, but we do use ImmuPro to help encourage them to adjust to a new sleep cycle for a few nights- we just use it for a few days until they seem adjusted. 

Our crew headed to the sandhill crane observation tower at the Jasper-Pulaski Fish & Wildlife Area near Medaryville Indiana.
Our crew headed to the sandhill crane observation tower at the Jasper-Pulaski Fish & Wildlife Area near Medaryville Indiana.

Stop stressing and remain calm. The second thing we do is try to remember even perceived stress affects our bodies, and so we need to make sure we are supporting healthy responses to any stress, including lack of sleep or parenting stressed kids. One of my favorite aspects of essential oil use is how they can be used in many ways, and how so many of them have been researched and found to greatly help our stress response be lowered! So here are a few of the oils we are using to remind our minds and bodies we aren’t in any danger… all will be well: Stress Away is a blend I love, plus Bergamot has been shown to help our minds relax and enjoy life. A lot of citrus oils, including Orange (a family favorite) and Grapefruit can allow you to feel happy and less troubled. Just a few whiffs from a bottle of orange is my happy place right now!

How are you handling the change so far? If you need personalized suggestions, remember we offer biofeedback scans to our active YL team members & can give you your results almost instantly! (Not a member? No problem! Your first scan is free and then you know what to order!)

May you find peace in this week! ~Naomi

Most of the fall colors may be gone in our area, but I love seeing goldenrod reflecting the sunset on a late fall evening.
Most of the fall colors may be gone in our area, but I love seeing goldenrod reflecting the sunset on a late fall evening.

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