Going for the Gold!

I love the Olympics. I grew up in a homeschooled family, and one luxury we didn’t have in the early years was a television, so my family would actually rent a tv for two weeks to watch the Olympics when they were on! 

I love all the various sports & watching people come together, and I especially love the stories of athletes overcoming major life challenges to get there. To be their best!

This morning I was going for the gold in my own living room… with a toddler on my own hip, no less! I was going for an imaginary gold medal in Living Room Dancing! It may sound silly, but getting exercise in at our house can be difficult, so when my health coach suggested just dancing to fun music with my kids… a new sport was born in my mind! 

Out of all the habits I’m renewing in this year, movement is the one I consider a lower priority. For one thing, you can’t out-exercise a bad diet… so what I am eating is still more important, but also because you can find plenty of ways to fit in movement by just rethinking your day… cardio can be shoveling snow, or chasing toddlers. You can use water jugs to lift weights. Stretching at your desk is yoga. The list is only limited by our imagination  

The biggest obstacle for me to overcome, as I cover in my video this week, was not thinking of it as “exercise”, which I saw as a punishment, but as “movement”, a way to celebrate how much I CAN do! I overcame heart failure and am overcoming obesity… every dance I do, silly or not, is a gift!

Click here to view the video if not shown

This morning the first song that came on my Pandora list for our dance off this morning was actually Gold, by Britt Nicole which is also fun, because it’s my business theme song as we are working to hit the rank of Gold next! 

What songs do you enjoy moving to? What types of movement do you enjoy most? 

Stay well & vibrant~ Naomi 

PS- if you haven’t found my Facebook page yet- check it out here!


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