A hygge holiday 🕯
I took this past month off so I could focus on our family, and help find some peace & balance in our lives. Typically December is a rough month because we hit anniversary dates of removal & foster placement in our home for both our adopted children. We have found through some very chaotic trial & error, that having strong boundaries around the holidays serves us well. They need strict schedules and limited stimulation. I also decided to use this winter to practice “hygge”, a nordic tradition of finding cozy peace in the every day. (You can grab my favorite book about Hygge practices here!)

Making GF sugar cookies is a new tradition for us! Miss M enjoyed the rolling & cutting of the dough, and everyone enjoyed eating the icing!
Making GF sugar cookies is a new tradition for us! Miss M enjoyed the rolling & cutting of the dough, and everyone enjoyed eating the icing!

We kept things simple by only doing one traditional Christmas event, baking twice with the kids, keeping the tree and decorations low key- in fact we made a bunch of the tree decorations because we couldn’t find our stash of ornaments & many wouldn’t be cat friendly! (Ralph only knocked over the tree twice!) We also spent a lot of time reading & playing games, plus time outside because it’s been quite warm here lately.

We baked cinnamon apple ornaments to help our tree smell nice, plus gave some away as homemade presents from the kids.
We baked cinnamon apple ornaments to help our tree smell nice, plus gave some away as homemade presents from the kids.

I spent a lot of my time reading (some fantasy books I’ve been reading recently), and indulged in hot tea and an occasional mug of hot chocolate! I also spent a lot of time thinking about where our family grows from here, and how my business can best serve us. I also realized I need to focus more on my health, so I’m starting the 14 Day Reset Challenge in a couple weeks to jump start getting back on track. Until then I’m gently easing into some changes, like increasing my raw fruit smoothies and doing short dance parties with the kids for daily movement. 

Our Christmas crew this year!
Our Christmas crew this year!

Another area I’m focused on right now is using my oils more often, and one of my favorite routines is the seventh heaven oils! If you want to learn more about how I use these particular ones in my routine, just let me know. I have found that having a short routine for oils allows me to start and end my day feeling intentional.

Growing up my family had a tradition of taking a family photo with this Santa in our community Christmas display, and now I hope we can continue it with our own kids!
Growing up my family had a tradition of taking a family photo with this Santa in our community Christmas display, and now I hope we can continue it with our own kids!

I am going to be putting a focus on helping those in our Young Living community with clear ways to improve health this year, and if now is the time for you to get that done, text my biz number 574-203-5701 with the word SCAN to get started with our biofeedback program! Totally free to active members right now! Very affordable pricing if you aren’t a member, which we can also solve! 

Was it a perfect holiday season? No. Trauma comes and goes. My husband held our daughter for an hour one evening because she was so upset about life… but I’m grateful we are in her life to be able to help her.

Was it a perfect holiday season? No. Trauma comes and goes. My husband held our daughter for an hour one evening because she was so upset about life… but I’m grateful we are in her life to be able to help her. 

Overall, I am so glad we took a step back this season, so we could feel a little more renewed as we start a new year. I’m also thankful for reflection, because it lets me see the growth our little family has been through! I’m planning on continuing this season of cozy (probably a new part of life for us) because it allowed me time to just be. And I think we can all use a little more of that. 💕 ~Naomi


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