Birth trauma and what it taught me

Birth trauma and what it taught me
Experiencing birth trauma can leave lasting emotional and physical scars, but it also teaches resilience and strength. In recounting her two traumatic births, the author emphasizes the importance of being prepared, finding your voice and advocating for oneself. Her first birth ended in an emergency surgery, which left her with PTSD and postpartum anxiety due to the lack of mental preparation and consent during the rushed procedure.

Her second birth, although resulting in a stay in the ICU and her baby spending eight weeks in the NICU, felt more empowering because she was able to make conscious decisions and had support to help advocate for her needs. The journey of healing involved therapy, aromatherapy, and supportive communities, allowing her to transform her traumatic experiences into a source of strength and empathy for others facing similar challenges.

The author underscores that while birth trauma is extraordinarily challenging, finding purpose and healing is possible with time and support. She encourages others who have experienced birth trauma to seek help when ready and reassures them they are not broken or alone. Healing journeys are deeply personal and take time, but fostering a support system can make all the difference.

On becoming a preemie mom

On becoming a preemie mom
In April 2016, I became a NICU and preemie mom. My first son had to be born early because I developed severe preeclampsia, which didn’t respond to any help, and so an induction happened at 32 weeks… Here’s some tips I’ve learned, after I became a mom of four preemies, through birth and also adoption!

Is gratitude worth it?

Is gratitude worth it?
“Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” – Anonymous.

I was pondering if being grateful was “enough” lately. It’s easy to say we are grateful for certain things… a hot drink… a quiet moment… maybe a family that we were told we were at odds to have.

I have a daily burden (if you will) of being grateful for my life.


This past week and a half have been hard.

When I set up my summer schedule for work, I looked for vacation days, possible open days I could use to take temporary time off, while committing to growing my business. I also accounted for potential obstacles.

But I missed one. A big one.

Four years (and a week and a half) ago, I almost died.


It has been a long four years. I feel a little out of touch, because so much has happened in my life- our life- since the fall of 2015!

That was when, after years of infertility, we found ourselves staring at an extra pink line on a pregnancy test! 

Since that day it has been a bit of a roller coaster ride- and in the past few months I’ve truly only  just started to reach a point in my personal journey where I’m ready to get back to Young Living and the future it holds for me, my family, and YOU!

Here’s a bit more about my journey:
I have recommitted to my journey with Young Living, and to use this blog to share the things I’ve learned and utilized. I am so excited to be able to help others in the process of growing, and I trust you will reach out if you have a specific need I can help you with!