What we’ve been up to so far this year!

What we’ve been up to so far this year!
After going through the journey of adopting two children, Naomi took a step back from personal blogging. Now that she have settled into her new role as an adoptive parent, she is excited to return to blogging and to share their stories, adventures, and lessons learned. Naomi is also looking forward to sharing her family's experiences with homeschooling, hiking, and health transformations. She expresses her gratitude to their Young Living team and reminds readers that their purpose in life is to help others, offering support and assistance to anyone in need.


Final supports when we feel sick

Final supports when we feel sick
Last week I meant to bring you these videos, but we had a freak snow storm, which knocked out our power… then when we got it back on finally, I ended with urgent paperwork on my plate. Sometimes in life we have to give others some grace, and sometimes we have to give grace to ourselves! And so I did just that. Plus I took a break to do some fall hiking with my family!

Next steps when I’m feeling sick

Next steps when I’m feeling sick
Last week I shared a bit about what we do when it starts to feel like we are getting sick… and this week I wanted to share some next steps we use to getting back above that “health” line!


Detoxin’ the kids

Detoxin’ the kids
Yesterday my kids went to a birthday party… And I fully intended to leave before the cake even made an appearance, but instead, I turned around at one point & realized someone had already served my bonus daughter a slice of cake AND Pepsi. And it was all downhill from there.

Small steps yield great results

Small steps yield great results
Earlier this week I showed my before & after photos with my husband, and he said “Holy cow! That’s crazy how much you’ve changed!”
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