Winter Prep

Winter Prep
I’m only human… which is why I prepped this blogpost, then totally forgot to send it! Our foster daughter had her birthday this week, and I have been a bit busy, plus I ran out of Mindwise, which makes me feel scattered. Long story short, here’s your post now!

Time change… ⏰ Ugh.

Time change… ⏰ Ugh.
If there was a candidate running solely on the platform of abolishing the time change, I’d vote for them!

We really aren’t meant to “flex” the time like that, and the toll we feel in our bodies is real!

Small steps yield great results

Small steps yield great results
Earlier this week I showed my before & after photos with my husband, and he said “Holy cow! That’s crazy how much you’ve changed!”

More energy or better hormones?

More energy or better hormones?
What if you didn’t have to choose?!

Needing an energy boost?

Needing an energy boost?
Summer is a hard time for me. Energy just seems to melt with the heat and humidity we have here in Indiana. But I’ve got tools to help with that, and in July we are having a team wide challenge to help keep on track and let the energy flow.