What I do when we feel sick

What I do when we feel sick
I’ve been requested to put together some of my personal tips and suggestions for when our family feels unwell or needs to “double down” on wellness to stay on top of things, so I decided to just make there into blog posts to share for all.

Detoxin’ the kids

Detoxin’ the kids
Yesterday my kids went to a birthday party… And I fully intended to leave before the cake even made an appearance, but instead, I turned around at one point & realized someone had already served my bonus daughter a slice of cake AND Pepsi. And it was all downhill from there.

How Karth Trek came to be…

How Karth Trek came to be…
Hiking is a part of my therapy. It’s a part of my family’s therapy. But when we started hitting the trails, we had NO idea how impactful time in nature would be for our mental health. I was actually looking for a distraction for my husband… and me.


It has been a long four years. I feel a little out of touch, because so much has happened in my life- our life- since the fall of 2015!

That was when, after years of infertility, we found ourselves staring at an extra pink line on a pregnancy test! 

Since that day it has been a bit of a roller coaster ride- and in the past few months I’ve truly only  just started to reach a point in my personal journey where I’m ready to get back to Young Living and the future it holds for me, my family, and YOU!

Here’s a bit more about my journey:
I have recommitted to my journey with Young Living, and to use this blog to share the things I’ve learned and utilized. I am so excited to be able to help others in the process of growing, and I trust you will reach out if you have a specific need I can help you with!