Final supports when we feel sick

Final supports when we feel sick
Last week I meant to bring you these videos, but we had a freak snow storm, which knocked out our power… then when we got it back on finally, I ended with urgent paperwork on my plate. Sometimes in life we have to give others some grace, and sometimes we have to give grace to ourselves! And so I did just that. Plus I took a break to do some fall hiking with my family!

My favorite new product!

2019 International Grand Convention was back in July and there were a lot of new items released to add to our collection of essential oils and products! You can check out all the new Young Living products here: New Releases and Convention Products

Some of the biggest news was our acquisition of Nature’s Ultra to provide members with quality hemp products that are infused with Young Living’s amazing essential oil oils!

Check out my absolute favorite product from Convention here:   
Be sure to link your YL account to Nature's Ultra BEFORE you order so you can get the discount  as a YL member, plus you get PV for each item ordered!

Product details HERE!