Who doesn’t like saving?

Who doesn’t like saving?
I feel like the last two and a half years have been a crash course for our family in living within a very tight budget. With two added children through foster care, but no additional support in raising them (our state doesn’t offer stipends for relative or kinship placements to care of the children they raise) we’ve had to keep things slim…

Natural doesn’t equal perfect…

Natural doesn’t equal perfect…
I had an interesting conversation recently with someone who was utterly shocked I took my children to Burger King that day. It was far from ideal, that day. My kids had been more than enough to handle, and I had to feed them. It happened, and it’s okay, because I did feed them!

Get the crap out!

Get the crap out!
My last health focus for this year is encouraging my body to release toxins. Cutting the crap has always been a focus for me because I have a genetic variation that essentially makes my body incapable of detoxing like the average person.

Bad moment OR bad day?

I almost didn’t make this post… I had a disaster of a morning yesterday- technical difficulties, disobedient children, and I suddenly realized I had no business sharing how to work on mindset and mental health if I was going to just give up after a few hours of frustration!


Renewed Choices- Nutrition

I’ll be honest, for decades I’ve skimped on my own health. I’ve made changes to be a healthier person, but I ignored how I was fueling my body. Partially because I wasn’t ready to get healthy mentally, but also because I knew what I needed to do, and I was being stubborn. 
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