Final supports when we feel sick

Final supports when we feel sick
Last week I meant to bring you these videos, but we had a freak snow storm, which knocked out our power… then when we got it back on finally, I ended with urgent paperwork on my plate. Sometimes in life we have to give others some grace, and sometimes we have to give grace to ourselves! And so I did just that. Plus I took a break to do some fall hiking with my family!

Next steps when I’m feeling sick

Next steps when I’m feeling sick
Last week I shared a bit about what we do when it starts to feel like we are getting sick… and this week I wanted to share some next steps we use to getting back above that “health” line!


What I do when we feel sick

What I do when we feel sick
I’ve been requested to put together some of my personal tips and suggestions for when our family feels unwell or needs to “double down” on wellness to stay on top of things, so I decided to just make there into blog posts to share for all.

One fall change to make!

One fall change to make!
I know it’s not quite fall yet, though the weather today definitely reminded us it is coming…

Drink to your health! 🍷

Drink to your health! 🍷
This is the time of year when you can, and should, quite literally be toasting to your own health!
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