A sad anniversary (or maybe not)

A sad anniversary (or maybe not)
Today marks three total years in foster care for our foster daughter. It’s hard to even type “foster daughter”, because soon she will just be our daughter… but even with court orders for adoption and adoption consent from birth parents, she is still in state wardship, and there she will remain, until a judge orders her legally ours.

A day like all others

A day like all others
I’m not really a fan of Mother’s Day… I used to sneak out of church early because I didn’t want that empty feeling while I sat, and watched all the mothers stand.  

Bad moment OR bad day?

I almost didn’t make this post… I had a disaster of a morning yesterday- technical difficulties, disobedient children, and I suddenly realized I had no business sharing how to work on mindset and mental health if I was going to just give up after a few hours of frustration!


Resetting for a healthy year!

Last week I talked about refining my goals to continue on my health journey, and this week I’m sharing my specific areas of focus.


Setting your intentions this year

This year I actually decided not to set new goals, because I’m in the process of working through some pretty good ones. Like my goal from August to release 100 pounds- I’m already almost half way there!

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