Young Living Hack- Emotional Acceptance Routine

Young Living Hack- Emotional Acceptance Routine
This past week has been a bit stressful on our family. Our foster children’s case is coming to a close, and we will be adopting shortly, but there’s been a lot of heavy feeling happening as things roll to an official end. And so, I created this routine to help with that, because feelings need to be felt, then released!

There is always hope!

There is always hope!
These past two weeks have been very rough. I almost didn’t post anything tonight. Then I realized, I write this blog to share with you all, and I can ask you to pray for our family…


This past week and a half have been hard.

When I set up my summer schedule for work, I looked for vacation days, possible open days I could use to take temporary time off, while committing to growing my business. I also accounted for potential obstacles.

But I missed one. A big one.

Four years (and a week and a half) ago, I almost died.

Bad mood? Try these tips.

This past week has been a busy one for our family. We had birthdays, parties, outings & several hiking trips. Yet, as the week ended, I found myself frustrated and a little dark cloud was hovering over my cartoon head. Haha. So I took some space today and did a few things to help lift that mood… and thought I would share!

Bad moment OR bad day?

I almost didn’t make this post… I had a disaster of a morning yesterday- technical difficulties, disobedient children, and I suddenly realized I had no business sharing how to work on mindset and mental health if I was going to just give up after a few hours of frustration!

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