January 2023 Young Living Promo tips + usage

January 2023 Young Living Promo tips + usage
I love fresh starts, and new goals… and while my goals & habits haven’t changed much with the calendar year, my plans for this blog have! So I will be offering a post the first week of each month with the breakdown of Young Living’s Promotional offerings, plus my own tips for use. That way you can always come back and reference usage or know which level value you want to order that month.

Next steps when I’m feeling sick

Next steps when I’m feeling sick
Last week I shared a bit about what we do when it starts to feel like we are getting sick… and this week I wanted to share some next steps we use to getting back above that “health” line!


Detoxin’ the kids

Detoxin’ the kids
Yesterday my kids went to a birthday party… And I fully intended to leave before the cake even made an appearance, but instead, I turned around at one point & realized someone had already served my bonus daughter a slice of cake AND Pepsi. And it was all downhill from there.

Natural doesn’t equal perfect…

Natural doesn’t equal perfect…
I had an interesting conversation recently with someone who was utterly shocked I took my children to Burger King that day. It was far from ideal, that day. My kids had been more than enough to handle, and I had to feed them. It happened, and it’s okay, because I did feed them!

Small steps yield great results

Small steps yield great results
Earlier this week I showed my before & after photos with my husband, and he said “Holy cow! That’s crazy how much you’ve changed!”
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