Natural doesn’t equal perfect…

Natural doesn’t equal perfect…
I had an interesting conversation recently with someone who was utterly shocked I took my children to Burger King that day. It was far from ideal, that day. My kids had been more than enough to handle, and I had to feed them. It happened, and it’s okay, because I did feed them!

Small steps yield great results

Small steps yield great results
Earlier this week I showed my before & after photos with my husband, and he said “Holy cow! That’s crazy how much you’ve changed!”

Resetting for a healthy year!

Last week I talked about refining my goals to continue on my health journey, and this week I’m sharing my specific areas of focus.


Setting your intentions this year

This year I actually decided not to set new goals, because I’m in the process of working through some pretty good ones. Like my goal from August to release 100 pounds- I’m already almost half way there!


You will be okay!

Life can be overwhelming. I feel like 2020 took the challenge a bit personally, but I’m not one to shy away from a challenge!

We’ve done a lot of hard things in our life, but I feel like becoming an accidental foster family, especially in 2020 has topped our list!

In case you haven’t heard it lately, it is okay to not be okay all the time! This has been a rough year! Give yourself grace!

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Stay safe & well, my friends!

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