Envision to the rescue!

How I use Envision essential oil blend from Young Living to help with a growth mindset...

June promos with Karth Scents

We get super blessed each month with our promo items from Young Living! 

If you haven't checked out the monthly freebies yet- here's a video with all of them!

Here are a couple images that help you with the breakdown on what you can earn, plus the value! (Be sure to note that the 100 and one of the 190 PV level items are only received on Essential Rewards- so another great reason to use that for your orders!)
June 2019 Promos from Young Living by Karth Scents www.karthscents.comJune 2019 Young Living promo offers
Saving on 2019 June promos from Young Living by Karth Scents www.karthscents.comSavings from June 2019 Young Living Promos
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