Winterizing your family with the Golden Touch kit (Young Living essential oils for wellness)

We had the first frost of the season happen last week, which in addition to our kids saying everything was “rusted” overnight, means it’s now time to change the furnace filters and get our home winterized…

But what about our bodies?

Our family takes health pretty seriously. We eat very clean- organic, whole, fresh foods, minimally processed. We spend a half hour each day, minimum, dedicated to movement, plus we regularly spend time outside in the fresh air and sunshine.

So why would we need to get ready for winter?

Holiday treats, reduced sunshine (thus less vitamin D) plus it being sometimes difficult (or even dangerous) to spend time outdoors in our Indiana winters, means we need to be sure we are keeping our bodies as strong as we can- starting now! It is a good investment in yourself to commit to adding essential oils to your daily routine now, so your cells can be stronger as your body rebuilds itself in the next 60-90 days!

And one of my favorite ways to do that is with the Young Living Golden Touch 1 kit! A great way to grab seven “winterizing” blends of essential oils, and put them to work right away in your home.

Winterize your family’s wellness with the Golden Touch kit from Young Living!

This kit features seven different blends, meant to refresh & awaken your senses, plus give necessary support to the body:

Part of our family’s winter wellness prep is to add roller tops to the Golden Touch kit!

When we order this kit each fall, we also grab a pouch of AromaGlide roller tops so we can make this kit easy to use for the whole family. This week I want to cover the topical/aromatic blends in this kit.

Melrose is a great essential oil blend for the skin to stay healthy & young looking!

Melrose gets its name from the two “Mel” oils in it, Melaleuca Alternifolia & Melaleuca Quinquenervia, plus the “rose” is from Rosemary. It also have clove in it, making this my go-to skin blend, because the clove helps provide from numbing capabilities, while the other oils love on your skin. It’s also an awesome blend to diffuse if you are cleaning, as the tea tree oils are know for helping purify the air. 

We make a roller of Melrose and roll on feet before bed, massaging it into nails and cuticles too!

Raven in your tool chest of oils can help everyone breathe easier!

Raven is a blend of Ravintsara, Eucalyptus Radiata, Lemon, Peppermint, and Wintergreen and is great for rolling on your chest to breathe deeply! I don’t know the origin of its name, but I picture a black raven in a bare tree, against a mountain of snow! Perfect before & after exercise, this minty oil combo is a nice one to run during the night in a diffuser to make sure everyone is breathing easily.

We take a roller top & pop it on the bottle of Raven, then apply over the chest & upper back areas. We like having an extra bottle to diffuse too.

R.C. is one of my favorite refreshing scents- great for helping the lungs do their job & clearing the air!

R.C. is is a powerful combination of Cypress, Spruce, and three types of Eucalyptus oils (E. citriodora, E. globulus, and E. radiata)! R.C. stands for “respiratory care” as all of these oils are known to help your lungs do their job right!

If you are looking for an oil to add to your door wreath this time fall, this is my pick. Add 10 drops to 2oz of water, add a pinch of salt and shake well. Then spritz liberally as needed. We also roller top this one, rolling on feet, especially the big toe, before bedtime.

Need a quick & easy way to pop off tops to add rollers? Use the cap as a lever!

Need a quick & easy way to pop off tops to add roller tops? Use the cap as a lever!

Next week I’ll tell you how we use the vitality oils in this kit, but in the meantime, how are your preparing for winter in your home?

Stay safe & well~ Naomi


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