Last week I asked a loaded question- Do feelings really matter?

The answer is a bit complex… Yes, they absolutely do, in that we know feelings that get suppressed can later resurface and even cause physical problems. (Something I am personally working through right now!) So feelings need to be felt fully and processed. 

But, feelings can also be fleeting, can change quickly, and we can live a steadier, more emotionally balanced life by learning to process them safely, and not allow them to dictate our actions. Who doesn’t regret something said in a moment of anger, or a time we acted rashly because we felt a certain way?

I am a very emotionally led person, relying on intuition because of my personality, at times. This year became the year of learning to process through repressed emotions and release them, along with actual physical weight I had stored for emotional reasons.

In the future I hope to create a way to help others learn to release that baggage, but for now, working through The Feelings kit is one of the quickest ways I know to start taking charge! (Plus purchasing these oils as a kit is a deal!)You can take charge of your emotional health with her feelings kit from Young Living:

I call this kit my “Mom Sanity Break” because it has helped me me so much this year. In fact, I cannot imagine my life right now, homeschooling, fostering children, building an entrepreneurial business and focusing on releasing weight, without using these oils daily. They really do help me feel sane! They let me break things down and focus on what matters.

Today I want to cover the first two essential oil blends in this kit, how to apply them, and the affirmations I choose to focus on with use.

You can take charge of your emotional health with her feelings kit from Young Living:

Valor, for some of you, is probably a staple oil. Valor was blended to help bring courage into your being, and steady the heart and mind while pursuing worthwhile tasks. It is known for being balancing for the entire body, not just mind & spirit, but also physically. I can think of no better way to start the day… or end the day for that matter! I like to apply to the soles of my feet, and my wrists, sometimes the back of my neck too. No need to dilute this blue gem! And after I apply, I inhale the scent, focusing on saying “I choose to be brave in this journey!”

You can take charge of your emotional health with her feelings kit from Young Living:

Next oil blend I apply is Harmony. There are several options for this one- a common suggestion being near the “energy centers” of the body (Coccyx, sacrum, lumbar, dorsal, cervival, medulla & pineal) or apply to the crown of the head. I like applying in the very center of my body, right over the belly button. You’ll want to dilute if you have sensitive skin. I then inhale this floral scent, while saying “I choose to be at peace with myself.”

Next week I’ll cover the next two oils & how I use them. This graphic below covers all the oils in the kit if you are ready to start doing it today! These applications & affirmations were suggested by the creator of these oil blends, D. Gary Young. (The initial founder of Young Living)

You can take charge of your emotional health with her feelings kit from Young Living:

Another quick fix way to do them all is to apply the oils to the entire ear, layering each oil one at a time, then smelling each oil deeply. Our ears contain a variety of emotional acupressure points, so applying there helps “cover” many possible emotional needs. When I’m in a hurry, I do this… rather than miss out on doing it at all!

Stay safe & sane~ Naomi


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