I’ll be honest, for decades I’ve skimped on my own health. I’ve made changes to be a healthier person, but I ignored how I was fueling my body. Partially because I wasn’t ready to get healthy mentally, but also because I knew what I needed to do, and I was being stubborn. 

Finally back in June I hired a health coach to help me look at the scope of my life and determine how I could best serve my body with nutrition, and she really helped me put together the pieces of my own health puzzle. Since then I’ve found I really want to help others find actionable choices they can apply in their lives, because it has served me so well. 

You can learn a bit more about what I’m doing for my renewed health goals concerning nutrition & digestion in my short video this week. 

Click here to view video if not shown

If you can’t attend the digestion event this Wednesday evening, but still wish to view the recording, be sure you register for the event because I will only be sending that recording out to those registered. You can sign up HERE!

Products mentioned in video are:







I hope to see you at our event, but if you ever have questions, feel free to reply to this email! I’m here for you.

Stay well & vibrant~ Naomi


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