When you feel alone
This past week, our neighbor had some fencing installed, and in the process, our phone line was cut. Due to employment shortages, we won’t have someone out to restore our internet access until at least tomorrow. 

This was likely to drive me crazy, except I remembered I have plenty of my support system available through means other than the internet. I definitely started to feel disconnected after that first day, because my business and how I communicate is done mostly online. 

But then I started to focus on other ways I talk to people. I made more phone calls this past week than I have in a month! I realized I could sit things out... or I could reach out! So I started sending texts, messages and quickly realized I wasn’t alone, it had just felt like it. 

Why I’m sharing this is because YOU matter to me. I am here for you, even if you don’t feel you know me or you think I’m “just” your Young Living team leader. 

Maybe you even signed up for my blog/newsletter by mistake. 

It doesn’t make a difference. My part in this world is to help others. And if I can help you, even if you just need someone with who you can talk... I am here for that. 

I feel like the world suffered a great disconnect in the last couple years. We were told to fear others. To bubble ourselves. And I personally have noticed mentally it has taken a toll. 

So I want you to know, if you need someone I’m on your team. Need someone to talk with or text? Me. I’m here!

All you need to do is reply to this message, or you can text or call me: (574) 203-5701

In the mean time, stay healthy & vibrant! (And pray I get my internet back soon!) ~Naomi


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