I love spring
Today we were at a park by the lake, and we saw a momma duck, with her string of ducklings, swimming in the canal. And while I could totally relate to her frantic swimming to make sure her babies were all with her, it just reminded me of how much I adore spring- babies, fresh green things, rain, and mud puddles!

Last week we logged in over 8 miles hiking because…. we can. Haha!

Two of my boys hiking the boardwalk at Bender Nature preserve
Two of my boys hiking the boardwalk at Bender Nature preserve

We had to slog through the mud in some sections of each hike (it simply wouldn’t be Indiana if we didn’t have mud right now) but it was worth it for the wildflowers and the fresh air. I’d say quiet & peace too, but with the four kids in tow, it is rarely quiet when we hike… though I did get them to stop occasionally to listen for woodpeckers and songbirds.

Pink trillium at Bender memorial nature preserve

I would like to encourage you to get outside this week, whether it is just for a lunch break or to garden, enjoy the spring and allow the fresh air & sunshine to refresh you!



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