Young Living Hacks- Vanilla Diffuser Recipes
I love diffusing essential oils in our home. It creates a such a warm & inviting atmosphere, plus we know there’s cleaner air using diffusers versus traditional air fresheners.

But sometimes I have diffuser recipe ADD, and just don’t know what to use. Which is why I’m grateful we now have vanilla oleoresin available, because it’s given me the opportunity to change things up!

You can buy all the oils for the recipes HERE!

Stick with me long enough and you’ll quickly learn just how much I love & use orange essential oil- so combining this with vanilla for a creamsicle scent was only natural!Stick with me long enough and you’ll quickly learn just how much I love & use orange essential oil- so combining this with vanilla for a creamsicle scent was only natural!

Orange Creamsicle Recipe-
6 drops of orange essential oil
2 drops of vanilla oleoresin

Combine with water in diffuser & set for 2-3 hours

This winter-y recipe came about because I was trying to make more “manly” scents to diffuse for my husband.
This winter-y recipe came about because I was trying to make more “manly” scents to diffuse for my husband.

Winter Walk Recipe-
4 drops of peppermint essential oil
3 drops of vanilla oleoresin
1 drop of lemon verbana essential oil

Combine oils in a water based diffuser & diffuser for 1-2 hours

This last diffuser recipe was created for my husband, but has quickly become one of my favorites!
This last diffuser recipe was created for my husband, but has quickly become one of my favorites!

Citrus + Wood Recipe-
3 drops of Northern Lights Black Spruce essential oil
2 drops of Idaho Blue Spruce essential oil
1 drop of vanilla oleoresin
2 drops of orange essential oil

Combine in water of an ultrasonic diffuser and diffuse for 2-3 hours

Note on diffusing times- I often run our diffusers all day because of the negative ions they release into the air. Just because I can’t smell the oils after a while doesn’t mean they aren’t working! In fact, I love running the dogs outside & coming back in to discover the scents we are diffusing are still fresh & fun… I just had gotten so used to them I didn’t notice them! 


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