They are ALL adopted!

They are ALL adopted!
We adopted our two foster children several Fridays ago! And yet we were still waiting…

We were waiting because their youngest biological sibling was still waiting too. And she was adopted last week, so now all 8 kids are adopted into safe & permanent homes!

We are Adopting!!!

We are Adopting!!!
It has been a long 3 plus years we’ve been a foster family, and the experience has been so unique and challenging I’ve actually committed to writing a book about it!

And I’m THRILLED to say that all is coming to an end this week!

Because we are FINALLY ADOPTING!!

When we got The Call to foster…

When we got The Call to foster…
I get asked all the time how or even why we started fostering children in need, and the answer is quite simple… 

We literally got a call! 

(Geo)caching in on fun!

(Geo)caching in on fun!
I did not intend to post about geocaching this week, however when my oldest learned I *could* post about anything I want on my blog… well, he suggested we collaborate on a post, because geocaching is “awesome and everyone will want to do it”!

Is gratitude worth it?

Is gratitude worth it?
“Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” – Anonymous.

I was pondering if being grateful was “enough” lately. It’s easy to say we are grateful for certain things… a hot drink… a quiet moment… maybe a family that we were told we were at odds to have.

I have a daily burden (if you will) of being grateful for my life.
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