"It was a dark and stormy night..."

Any Charles Schultz fans reading this? Ha ha!

I always found it ironic a beagle would write about storms, when it seems most dogs (and many cats) aren't very big fans of stormy weather!

We had a big tornado come through our area earlier this week, and I'm so grateful we had oils on hand for pets, and for the kids! Prayer really helped too!

Watch the video below (or CLICK HERE to view) to learn just what we did to soothe our pets!

If you aren't registered for our Animals and Oils Empower course coming up tomorrow- CLICK HERE so we can send you the Zoom link, plus then you'll have access to the event video and extras that are coming!

Hope you are staying safe & well!

~Naomi Karth (YL Silver)

Boosted energy with Bs!

Lately my husband has been amazed at the energy I've been putting into life, raising our kids and just getting things done! I even learned a new way to make money! (So much for being an old dog... Woof!)

He told me I could buy whatever I needed to keep me going... and here are two of my favorite ways to stay energized- plus a tip on how to not overdo it!

Buy Super B here: https://bit.ly/3fGLaJr 
Buy MTHFR Support here: http://rwrd.io/t59eqs6?c

If you are finding yourself a bit too energized by bedtime (it's a real thing!), remember we have oils for that, plus take all your Bs before or by lunch to optimize that burst!

Stay healthy and safe!


Drink the stuff, do the things!

I once had a friend tell me I couldn't be a mom without drinking coffee. I don't beg, but I do see it differently! Here's how I stay health, keep up with my kids, and get the things needed done!

Video not available? Click here to play the video!

As promised, more about our super drink, Ningxia Red right HERE!

Ready to join with a Ningxia Red kit, use our link HERE!

We are starting a team wide Ningxia Red Challenge in September, so be ready to join us! Grab your Red today!

My favorite new product!

2019 International Grand Convention was back in July and there were a lot of new items released to add to our collection of essential oils and products! You can check out all the new Young Living products here: New Releases and Convention Products

Some of the biggest news was our acquisition of Nature’s Ultra to provide members with quality hemp products that are infused with Young Living’s amazing essential oil oils!

Check out my absolute favorite product from Convention here:   
Be sure to link your YL account to Nature's Ultra BEFORE you order so you can get the discount  as a YL member, plus you get PV for each item ordered!

Product details HERE!

Our first oily pregnancy and rainbow baby!

After that surprise positive pregnancy test, things got REAL pretty quickly! One thing I loved was having our Young Living essential oils at hand to help with the little ups and downs that come with growing a baby during pregnancy! 

Here's a list of resources we used during our rainbow baby pregnancy:

Young Living Essential Oils used during pregnancy:
Joy (over heart and belly, inhaled)
Valor (over heart, belly, lower back)
Gentle Baby (belly/hips)
KidScents Lotion (belly/hips)
Orange (legs)
Cypress (ankles/legs)
CelLite Magic massage oil (for prenatal massages/hips/legs)
Ortho Ease massage oil (prenatal massage/hips/back)
Wintergreen* (back/hips)
PanAway* (back/hips)
Ginger (belly/chest, inhaled)
Peppermint (belly/chest, inhaled)
Stress Away (wrists/back of neck, inhaled)

*These were used with my care provider's express permission due to the use of prescription blood thinners in my pregnancy (from genetic issues and because I was a high risk case)

Young Living essential oil infused supplements used to support a healthy mom during pregnancy:
Thyromin (support adrenal and thyroid gland)
MultiGreens (supports energy and iron production)
Sulfurzyme aka MSM (supports cell production, immune system)
Ningixa Red (I didn't mention this drink in my video, but I drank 4-6 oz per day to help with energy and get my antioxidants! It tastes wonderful too, and was sometimes the only thing I could keep down!)

This is by no means an exhaustive list of the essential oils helps I had during pregnancy, but it is definitely a start! If you'd like to chat oils and pregnancy- contact me!

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