So, I realized since I rebooted my blog, I should probably introduce myself since it’s been awhile! (I’ve had to take two leave of absence periods since both my pregnancies ended with complications and NICU stays for my boys.) I’ve recently started back up my blog & Young Living support group and if you are reading this you are either a part of our group (hooray for you!) or you joined my mailing list via an event or through the website.

So, this is me with my husband Sam-
Naomi & Samuel Karth, Young Living Syracuse IndianaNaomi & Sam Karth
We will celebrate 13 years of marriage later this month! We actually met on the internet, through a comment interest in JRR Tolkien and once we met in real life, we were engaged in less than 3 months! 

I work from home, doing both Young Living and day trading to support our family, while Sam works as a department and night manager at a local grocery store. We are both Children of God, avid hikers, lovers of the great outdoors, plus enjoy reading and have rescued many pets between the both of us- currently four cats & one rat terrier!

We have two sons, Jerome and Ezra, plus 2019 ended with a huge curveball for us and we have two extra children we are raising via kinship fostering! We call them our “bonus babies” and the whole family has loved having them in our lives.

This is me with our two-
Naomi Karth, Young Living Silver essential oils Syracuse INNaomi with her two sons
They are fun and lively and between all four, I’ve had a busy 2020! But I also desire to see our family business grow through the opportunity of Young Living essential oils and lifestyle products, which is why I started my blog back up!

I joined Young Living back in 2013 because I needed a way to calm myself naturally and a kind friend introduced me to YL’s Progessence Plus serum, which my husband promptly declared was magic and I was never to run out! Ha ha! (And I never have! I’ve got 30-something empty bottles to prove it!)

Once we discovered we could swap just about everything we needed in our home for a YL version, I became a woman on a mission, because we had been told we would never have children of our own, and I’m a bit... determine, to put it nicely. I knew traditional products contained things that were probably contributing to our infertility and also just plain yuck! Plus we learned the hard way how harmful fragrance filled things can be, so we switched to plant based, toxin free. We also cleaned up what we ate, exercised regular, added in essential oils for stress relief, regular visits to our chiropractor, and in just two short years learned our first baby was on the way! 

My greatest desire with this blog is to encourage and energize others to transform their lives, especially through the wonderful tools YL has to offer, but also with education and humor thrown in as well. (Because believe me, when you have four kids, you HAVE to have a sense of humor!)

I’d love to hear from you! How did you find me? Are you on our YL team? Maybe you don’t even know how we connected, but let’s make the most of it!

Happy Friday! Stay healthy & safe! ~Naomi 


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