Wildflower hiking at Bock Nature Preserve
Earlier this week we participated in a Karth Family tradition- hiking through northern Indiana hardwood forests in mid-April to find Dutchman‘s Breeches, a unique & dainty wildflower that is only found in specific areas… and only blooms for about a week!

Our Karth Trek at Bock ACRES preserve starts through the open plains section.
Our Karth Trek at Bock ACRES preserve starts through the open plains section.

We apparently were a bit early to see the full effect of the breeches, which when in full bloom, make the forest feel like the fairies are airing out all their white pants at once! But we still saw a fair amount!

Dutchman’s Breeches in bloom at Bock ACRES nature preserve.
Dutchman’s Breeches in bloom at Bock ACRES nature preserve.

The first year we went searching for these delicate tiny flowers, I was pregnant with our first, and even though I was to give birth less than four days later & was definitely feeling it, I became a little bit obsessed. It’s become a tradition to search for these special flowers right before our April birthdays. (My birthday is just 3 days before Jerome was born, in fact I was hospitalized ON my birthday to get labor started early due to complications.)

Squirrel Corn, a flower so closely related to Dutchman’s Breeches not everyone even notices the difference!
Squirrel Corn, a flower so closely related to Dutchman’s Breeches not everyone even notices the difference!

We have found the best wildflower hiking near us in early spring & late summer to be at the Bock ACRES Nature Preserve, near Akron Indiana. (Though I learned this preserve is scheduled to be closed to the public at the end of this year- so if you want to go, go soon!)

We have enjoyed exploring Bock with our ever expanding family, and while we have many options for hiking in the area, we will be sad to see it close.
We have enjoyed exploring Bock with our ever expanding family, and while we have many options for hiking in the area, we will be sad to see it close.

If you are looking for unique wildflowers, check out the nature trails and state parks in your neck of the woods. You might be pleasantly surprised to discover a new family tradition!

A delicate strand of blooming Dutchman’s Breeches at Bock nature preserve in Akron, IN
A delicate strand of blooming Dutchman’s Breeches at Bock nature preserve in Akron, IN

If you live near us in northern Indiana, a couple other places you can find these particular wildflowers are Potato Creek State Park and Wildwood ACRES Nature Preserve.

If you’ve tackled any hiking recently, I’d love to hear or even see your adventures! Feel free to share!

In the meantime, stay healthy and vibrant! ~Naomi 


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