What do you do for the blahs?

Today started out as one of those days where it just felt like it was going to be a bad day. We had gone to a party last night and then the kids woke up super early, so their rhythm was off.

We decided to put on a Christmas movie and have a “lazy morning” as I like to call them. Celebrating with gluten free chocolate waffles and no expectations. Just BE. 

As I thought about what to blog today, I realized some of my readers surely have suggestions for these types of days- so I’d love to hear how you cope! 

Here is what we did that seemed to help the most…

Hydrate! I made sure my husband and I drank plenty of water, as we’d been caring for the kids way before daybreak. Plus kids get cranky when dehydrated, so they all were encouraged to drink more. Sometimes I give them watered down apple juice to change things up. I also like adding magnesium to their water (and mine). We were at a pool party the night before and chlorine depletes your body of magnesium.

Diffuse! My first instinct was to put a calming oil (Peace & Calming, anyone?) in our kitchen & living room diffusers, but my oldest suggested Christmas Spirit was a MUST if we were watching a holiday movie! As I was adding drops of it in, I remember a while ago when Valor was out of stock, Gary Young (founder of Young Living) had told us to stock up on Christmas Spirit because it has a similar chemical profile, and both are based in black spruce, a deeply grounding conifer oil. Aaaaaaaaaah, trees….. 🌲

I’m in love with my new macaron diffuser, a part of our holiday offerings this year!

I’m in love with my new macaron diffuser, a part of our holiday offerings this year!

My last tip is to be flexible. I sometimes joke being a mom requires more flexibility than a gold medal gymnast! Kids are changeable, situations arise, and moms just need to power through, while handing out snacks and making sure everyone stays hydrated! I have found that emotion support oils like Gratitude & Present Time can help me be less flustered, especially if I use them every morning. I like picking a few and doing them for 30 days to really infuse myself with plant juice goodness! Next week I’m going to start sharing about my favorite emotions routine & how using it changed my life! (My FAVE calming oil is this roller though!

How do YOU keep calm in the chaos?

And what is your favorite Christmas movie? (We went for the classic Home Alone today! The kids needed the giggles!)

Stay safe & calm~ Naomi


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