Let’s go back to the basics a bit, and talk about these starter oils we know and love. I was asked recently on Facebook to share the oils we hike with, and realized many of them are the “core” essential oils we started with and they obviously serve us well!

So, let’s start with the one that started it all- lavender essential oil! 💜

I jokingly call lavender my “gateway” oil, but it was lavender fields where I truly started. I visited a couple lavender farms on vacation a few decades back, and it definitely sparked my interest in plants and what they could accomplish! I came home from vacation with a huge bottle of lavender essential oil, but it had warning labels on it. In the end, I used it for little more than rubbing a bit on my pillow for relaxing.

Then I met Young Living. 

Young Living lavender essential oil and lavender vitality essential oil
My starter kit from YL actually had two bottles of lavender in it (way back when) and once I used true pure essential oil, I realized what I had missed with that big vacation spot bottle- purity and results!

Lavender is universally known as the “Swiss army knife of oils”, in that when you are in doubt, lavender is generally safe and soothing.

Skin loves lavender, so try adding a drop to a toxin free lotion or rub a drop on facial skin after cleansing. (Just stay away from the eyes- it stings!)

One of my personal favorite uses is massages for my kids before bedtime. It just takes 1-2 drops, added to lotion or carrier oil (I prefer using KidScents lotion) and by the time I rub down backs, arms, legs and tummy, they are usually ready for bed!

I also love a good hot bath, and adding 10 drops of lavender to a cup of Epsom salts about 20 minutes before bath time makes an incredibly relaxing atmosphere! I actually set a timer on my phone so I don’t fall asleep! 

Lavender Vitality essential oil is the same as the solid purple label lavender- they come from the same farms and go through the same testing even. It’s just Young Living is required to differentiate between an oil for topical/aromatic use (solid label) and an essential oil that is considered a supplement (white label) and safe for ingestion!

I love using the lavender vitality with equal parts peppermint vitality and lemon vitality in a capsule to keep me energized and focused on what matters! I love that it is so safe & effective I can use several times a day even, if needed.

Cooking with lavender vitality needs a light hand, as if you add too much, you can end up with a “soapy” flavor! Try adding one drop to a gallon of lemonade for an extra treat, or take a toothpick and stick in oil to add less than a drop. Lavender in shortbread cookies is divine, and lemon lavender chicken marinade definitely changes an ordinary dish into something unique.

How have YOU been using lavender lately?


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