I may have been a bit of a disgrace as far as a YL Brand Partner goes. The past few months I’ve skimped on drinking my Ningxia Red supplement. I fell into a mental trap, believing maybe I wasn’t worth the investment.

Don’t be like me! You are absolutely worth whatever investment you need for your own health and sanity! Remember that you are worth it, and banish the thoughts that suggest otherwise.

Ningxia Red is a high antioxidant whole purée juice only available through Young Living.

As I’ve recommitted to making my Red drink a priority, I realized some of you may wish to join me! So starting in April we will be doing a Ningxia Red challenge, where you can join me in drinking 2oz each day for the whole month. We will have daily text reminders, fun recipes and (of course) prizes!! (You know how much I love giving things away!)

But before you join me, what are some reasons you might want to drink the rather oddly named juice?

Here are some of my favorites: increased or consistent energy levels, potential weight loss due to the high mineral & vitamin content, better balanced blood sugars, healthy cholesterol levels, boosts natural collagen production, super high antioxidants found in the Ningxia (wolf berry) make it the highest known fruit on the antioxidant scale, AND it can help improve eyesight due to that aforementioned high levels of protection from oxidation. Plus I think it tastes great. (But if you don’t, I will have tips for that too.)

Join our Ningxia Red whole purée wolf berry drink challenge to see what health benefits you can glean from committing to this supplement

My first experience with drinking Ningxia Red was a similar 30 day challenge several (ok it was 8) years ago, and I came in a very close second with the most pounds lost while doing the challenge! I hadn’t even realized I was dropping weight, which I believe was from just feeling more full from drinking a juice blend full of everything my body was craving.

If you’d like to join, just text APRIL RED to 5742035701 and you’ll be in! You will receive individual texts from me through the months of March & April to get you set up for the challenge, then for daily accountability. Make sure you also order your Red drink to join the challenge- I like this Rewards pack because it breaks down to the cheapest way to order per ounce! 

Our gorgeous wolf berries grow best in the Ningxia province in China, which is why we have our farm there

If you are finding the price tag on investing a bit high,my husband always likes to remind me that just 1oz of Red drink has the antioxidant & bioflavonoid levels of 8 oranges (yep, that’s right) so it’s not only cheaper, but it’s way easier than eating 16 oranges per day! Repeat after me: “I am WORTH it!”

And yes, you ARE!

Btw, the name Ningxia comes from the province in China where this unique berry thrives best, and you can check out this short video to see the harvest on our wolf berry farm. 

I do hope you join us! Stay well & vibrant! ~ Naomi 

PS- if you haven’t checked out the AWESOME deal YL has running through tomorrow, be sure you do! Half of diffusers is a deal too good to miss! 


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