It’s come to my attention that it’s been a while since I’ve introduced myself… so here goes!

Naomi Karth, mom, blogger, Young Living leader

Hi, my name is Naomi! While many of you know me as a leader through Young Living, I am so much more. I’m a Christian, a wife, a mother to two and a foster mom to two, as well! I love reading almost as much as I love writing, and I’m currently authoring a book about our life as a foster family. Hiking is literally the one thing that keeps me sane- as my collective four kids are aged 5 and under… which makes a LOT of toddlers under one roof!

In addition to spending as much time out in nature as we possibly can (thank you, 1000 hours outside!), since my husband Sam & I were both homeschooled, we have decided to use our combined experiences to homeschool our own kids. One of my greatest accomplishments in life so far has been to teach my oldest to read.

My oldest has learned to read, write and spell on his own recently… which just enforces to me how flexible learning can be through home education.

I once went through some major health issues, and that’s how I landed on the path towards natural products and tools- because traditional resources weren’t really giving me the answers I needed to get better! While I still feel like I am on a major journey toward real health, I definitely have come far from where I was. I am quite passionate about helping others discover tools to step into their own health as a result.

When I’m not racing around chasing toddlers, or checking out the trails in our lovely Indiana state parks, I’m usually reading (I just finished the latest book in the Outlander series) and I used to work for a veterinarian, so I occasionally binge watch animal rescue & vet shows during nap time! (Guilty pleasure!) I also love visiting zoos and seeing animals up close… and while we say we have a zoo membership for the kids, it’s totally for me too.

My favorite treats are chocolate (but only the good, dark kind), Sharpies of any color, and post-it notes in pretty colors. I love all things rainbow, and actually HAVE to organize my oils by color!
Oh, and I don’t have any family photos I can share because all of them have our “bonus kids” in them, so boo but I can’t post them! The best I can do is a “backs” photo. 

My “zoo crew” visiting the Fort Wayne Zoo

Now, enough about me! Let’s hear about YOU! What have you been up to lately?

And while you are at it, stay well & vibrant! ~Naomi 


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