Why Young Living?
Why did I choose to use Young Living for my essential oil supplier?

That’s actually a pretty easy question to answer…

First of all, several of my friends I trusted were using the company. One in particular shared how the oils had impacted her family, and when I started my account I loved that I was supporting her family! (I actually still love that I’m supporting others- and with social selling becoming so popular, the ol’ network marketing model is becoming even mor relevant.)

They had a unique product I still have yet to find elsewhere- Progessence Plus! And as I was dealing with raging hormones and mood swings, when I placed my first order it was a starter kid AND my first ever bottle of Pro Plus, which I have never stopped using… and have several large ziplock bags full of empties to prove it! Not only did I receive almost instant calm with its blend of essential oils and low dose progesterone, but with continued use I have normal length cycles, almost zero cramps and very minimal PMS symptoms! I’m also pretty darn sure use of the blend is how I ended up pregnant (twice, no less) after being told I couldn’t have kids.

My sons were both conceived while I was using Progessence Plus to boost natural progesterone levels!
My sons were both conceived while I was using Progessence Plus to boost natural progesterone levels! I had read that one reason women can’t maintain pregnancy is too low progesterone, so I increased my use and each time, a baby boy Karth was on his way!

The last reason I decided to join was actually because I had spent a year using essential oils from health food stores and even a competing company, and it wasn’t until I got my bottle of real lavender and experienced it for myself, that Young Living is simply different. They have potent & pure oils because they care about the entire process (Seed to Seal) and it shows in each finished, very usable product!

And I’m so glad nine years ago I took money from our tax return and said “Yes” to the company that would change my life!

If you are ready to say yes too- reach out! I’ve got a great way to get you going!!

Stay well & vibrant! ~Naomi 

PS: If you placed a 100pv order last month or this month, be sure you watch for your email for the 10% off coupon code! You can use this to help a neighbor, friend, even your mom get their own account & save! 


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