This past week stress and some poor eating habits (probably the result of being stressed!) led to our family ending up all being under the weather.

As I’ve spent the last couple of days making sure my kids are comfortable & hydrated, I’ve been especially grateful we have oils in our home! I cannot imagine what it is like to handle any sort of “non-wellness” without YL by my side

We aren’t just grateful for essential oil in our home when we are well, but also when we need comfort and support in difficult times!

We aren’t just grateful for essential oil in our home when we are well, but also when we need comfort and support in difficult times!

Not only do I have various comfort measures, such as diffusing calming oils & gentle safe massage techniques to help relax the kids, but I also am equipped with a reference guide (or 12) that talks about essential oil use and the various things one use each oil or blend to help support. I also utilized our Zyto biofeedback scanner to get some insight into which oils worked for each child.

What you see here is a combination of oils we knew we needed, oils to comfort & relax, and oils that showed up on our scans… plus a homemade rub using coconut oil, olive oil, and frankincense, lemon and R. C. oil blend.
What you see here is a combination of oils we knew we needed, oils to comfort & relax, and oils that showed up on our scans… plus a homemade rub using coconut oil, olive oil, and frankincense, lemon and R. C. oil blend.

When you face feeling down, remember you have a LOT of tools you can utilize as a Young Living member, and also as a part of our team! We are just an email away, plus we have our FB group for learning, and Zyto scans are available anytime you need… just reach out!

Also, if you want to learn more about the Golden Touch kit, here are POSTS ONE and TWO regarding why we utilize it! (This kit was free with my Subscription reward points even!)

I hope you & your family are well. I’d love to hear what all natural helps you use during times when you aren’t feeling on your game. Just drop me a comment or email!

Stay well & vibrant~ Naomi

PS- The Spring Product Launch is now live & features some great cleaning sets, plus two new diffuser starter kits, AND deep discounts on the Savvy Minerals make up line! Be sure you check it out.


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