Small steps yield great results
Earlier this week I showed my before & after photos with my husband, and he said “Holy cow! That’s crazy how much you’ve changed!” Probably mostly because he’s watched my transformation daily, but also because in some ways it’s been a lot of small things adding up to these results!

On the left, about a year ago when I started concentrating on making healthy changes, and the right is last week!
On the left, about a year ago when I started concentrating on making healthy changes, and the right is last week!

The biggest differences to note are the loss of inflammation in my face, and that my thyroid is no longer enlarged! I also have the energy I need to chase my four kids, and I sleep a LOT better at night! 

Now full disclosure is I hired someone to coach me through the changes I needed to make, but I only used her for about 3 months. After that I used the wisdom & insight she shared to keep going and right now I’m at over 50lbs released and not coming back!

Part of why I hired who I did was because she also uses Young Living, and I knew I’d be able to utilize products I was either already using or had in our home.

Interestingly enough, some of the things she taught me, that make the most impact, are quite simple! Most are inexpensive or have no cost.

And some of those things are action steps I’m going to be giving you in the upcoming July challenge we are having- The Hormone Helper Challenge! (Click here to enter the challenge, and here to get the product details of what you need!) This challenge is going to via text message for check in, with email updates… so you don’t need to be in the team Facebook group to participate (but that group is a wealth of knowledge if you want added!)

A perk of being in the challenge is next week I’m going to be sharing the things you can do (both inexpensive & free) to help improve energy, hormone balance & potential weight loss… but you need to be registered to join us!

If you feel you could use some energy help, or those hormones need tamed a bit or you just want to sleep longer & deeper, then I hope you join us! Most of the challenge can be done in 3-4 minutes a day, with some added on to things you probably already have as a habit!

In the meantime, stay healthy & vibrant! ~Naomi 

PS- The Macaron diffuser we gave away still hasn’t been claimed by the winner! Be sure to check HERE to see if you won!!


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