Fostering is love in action
Last week I talked about some of the negatives we’ve seen while being involved in foster care, so this week I wanted to balance that with some positives we’ve experienced!

Fostering has allowed us to show our kids how we walk by faith and act out God’s love.

1. Fostering has allowed our own children to see God’s love in action. It can be simple to tell our children how to live and how precious life is, but fostering is an ultimate act of putting love into action. They know these “bonus kids” need us, and can us filling that need.

2. Being a foster family has allowed us a chance to see how well we’ve raised our birth children. While it can feel a little like a trial by fire, this journey has let us see the real heart of our oldest son. He is passionately involved helping us keep our home running, including doing a Read-A-Thon this summer to raise funds for our adoption legal fund, plus designing & selling t-shirts to help with adoption/foster costs! It has given us a real chance to see what a great man he is growing up to be.

3. It has let us literally see faith in action. I mentioned in my last post that this was harder than we ever thought possible, and for us, one aspect of faith has been trying to find the faith to trust that God sees our needs and covers them! Because we are unlicensed we do not get reimbursed by the state for the children in our home, and we’ve had to rely on people to help us stand i the gap- especially financially! There have literally been days I prayed for diapers and an Amazon truck showed up with a diaper delivery from our Wishlist! Other times we have been so burdened by a need we didn’t even speak it, and God has always showed us He’s listening!

In fact, if you’ve never heard how we got our van, which we needed to be able to keep our second foster child because our vehicle at the time wouldn’t take another car seat, it is purely an example of a miracle! We agreed to temporary placement of our foster son, because they had no foster home to place him, and I posted about it on Facebook. The next morning a friend contacted me and that day we had her minivan in our driveway, with an option to buy it… which we managed to do because people chipped in & helped us raise the money to get us this van… all so our foster son could stay here! And here he has stayed… for 2 years and 8 months!

Our “miracle” van, that has allowed us to foster not one, but two children in need!
Our “miracle” van, that has allowed us to foster not one, but two children in need!

Walking in faith is not easy, but it has allowed us to witness how incredibly God’s master plan is! And if we walk away from this knowing how important we are to God, it is definitely worth it!



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