Detoxin’ the kids
Yesterday my kids went to a birthday party… And I fully intended to leave before the cake even made an appearance, but instead, I turned around at one point & realized someone had already served my bonus daughter a slice of cake AND Pepsi. And it was all downhill from there.

So today was essentially “detox” day for my kids, because they definitely can’t handle food dye and foods we don’t normally eat. As I was getting them through the bath phase I realized I should blog about this, because I can’t be the only mom who really doesn’t like parties and the aftermath that it causes in her kids…

My first tip is getting them back on their normal routine ASAP. We have one kid who desperately relies on routine to stay regulated, so for every day we have that’s not “normal“, we try to have a two day buffer to get him back on track. Nap time and getting to bed on time are required, otherwise he can reach a point where we can’t help him at all. And getting back to eating right are a must too.

Next, we add in enzymes and digestive support to help “clean things out”! MightyZymes are our favorite enzyme for the kids because it has a light mint taste & is a very broad range of digestive enzymes formulated just for kids. (Though I like them too!) MightyPro is a pre and probiotic that can help re establish happy tummies. We also like applying TummyGize topically or very diluted DiGize.

If you feel even more detoxing is necessary, my favorite tip is to take deactivated charcoal & add it to lemonade, shake well, and serve to them over ice! (Charcoal is a binding agent, so I don’t use this if I’ve given them a lot of supplements already, because it’s so strong it will cleanse the body of the supplements in addition to the bad food that’s making them crazy!)

One last tip I have is one I’ve shared before- add water! Today they were acting so weird and it was quite hot out, so we did a bubble bath inside to give them water time. I took 1 TBS of Kidscents bath gel and added 10 drops of Gentle Baby, plus 5 drops of Peace & Calming, and 2 drops of Common Sense (because they really needed it by then…) and added to their water so they could play in the water with their boats and Glo-Pals, while breathing in some very calming scents!

It gave me a bit of a buffer while they calmed down some, and it did make them more relaxed. In fact I wish I had thought to do it earlier!

In about twenty minutes I’ll be winding them down for bed with their night time oils routine, plus sleepy oils in their bedroom diffusers & if needed, I have ImmuPro ready to help us all get some sleep!

What tips do you have for getting your kids over that recovery period?

~ Naomi 

PS- Be sure you don’t miss out on 15% off everything on the YL Website through this evening only by  using the code YLAUG15!

Also, if you want to learn more about essential oils or need a refresher on their uses, feel free to join my next Intro to Basics event coming up this week! 


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