First Hike at the WACF (Syracuse) + geocaching
First Hike is a phrase that was created to celebrate the first official hike of the year. Most people attempt to hike on January first, to set the tone for the year…

As my oldest said, “brothers can share!”
As my oldest said, “brothers can share!”

Judging by the way our kids woke up, I think no one would have blamed us for saying “Let’s do this some other day!” but, well, I’m a determined sort of mom. So we left, assorted grumbling children in tow, to the Wawasee Area Conservatory Foundation (WACF) in Syracuse. This is a favorite place for us to hike because it is very close to where we live, offers a variety of short hike options, plus we recently learned it is a treasure trove of geocaches!

We worked hard for this geocache! It is part science lesson, part puzzle, and it took three of us working in cooperation to get to this log book!
We worked hard for this geocache! It is part science lesson, part puzzle, and it took three of us working in cooperation to get to this log book!

We recently started geocaching with the kids, and while they initially weren’t thrilled to get out & hike on New Years Day… once I shared we had a couple new caches to find and accomplish, the games began!

My kids call geocaching “treasure hunting” and love it!
My kids call geocaching “treasure hunting” and love it! 

Once the hunt was on, everyone had a blast! And while I realize there will still be days they greatly resist getting out in the fresh air & exercising, it was a good start to the year! I just wanted to share that even on the hard days, having family goals is worth it.

We even found a hidden camouflage geocache, but I’ll tell that story later!

What activities or hobbies are you kicking off or starting so far this year?

I just had to share this photo of the fog over the lake. It’s not very often you can barely see across Lake Wawasee, even if it is the biggest natural lake in Indiana.
I just had to share this photo of the fog over the lake. It’s not very often you can barely see across Lake Wawasee, even if it is the biggest natural lake in Indiana.


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