Winter Prep
I’m only human… which is why I prepped this blogpost, then totally forgot to send it! Our foster daughter had her birthday this week, and I have been a bit busy, plus I ran out of Mindwise, which makes me feel scattered. Long story short, here’s your post now!

We’ve been spending a lot of time outdoors this year! In fact, we just hit 1000 hours outside this month!
We’ve been spending a lot of time outdoors this year! In fact, we just hit 1000 hours outside this month! 

Because we’ve been spending so much time outside, the idea of getting ready for winter (both in clothing & also physically) has been pretty prominent in my mind.

Last year I covered my favorite oils kit for family “winter prep”, and you can read parts one & two here on the blog. This year I wanted to just share a few things we like to have on hand to ensure life goes smoothly through til spring.

We look at these products as tools, because our main defense is still getting plenty of fresh air & sunshine (even when it’s freezing) and eating the best we can. But it’s good to have these on hand, because you never know when you’ll need extra help!

Super Vitamin D- on the whole, I’m not a big fan of vitamin D supplements, because a lot of them are made with crap ingredients. Not so with this one, plus in addition to being clean, it’s vegan and enhanced with Melissa essential oil. It actually tastes good, so my kids love it! (Always a win) 

Inner Defense- This capsule is hard to explain compliantly, but basically it’s the EO equivalent of having a prescription on the shelf. In times of need, you can take more… and it is powerfully effective! It supports the body, while cleansing, to get you back to being 100% as soon as possible! 

Life 9 &/or Mighty Pro- Because Inner Defense is so strong, a probiotic is recommended to keep your digestion balanced. We have a strong probiotic in Life 9, plus you can take Mighty Pro on the go, and it tastes like fruit punch! We use both, depending on the need. I personally like MP best because it contains a prebiotic too, and it’s yummy… kind of like a healthy pixie stix!

Ningxia Red- this super-fruit, high antioxidant fruit juice puree is hardly “least” of these items, because it packs the powerful ability to help increase energy & productivity, while lowering stress and helping with better sleep! And if you don’t believe me, we now have clinical trial results to back that up! 

We focus a lot on staying healthy, because it allows us to keep adventuring!
We focus a lot on staying healthy, because it allows us to keep adventuring!

One additional resource you have is… ME! I am here to help with all oil and supplement needs, but in addition to customer service, I offer continued education plus can guide you to further steps needed. (Basically I’m here to troubleshoot if you aren’t seeing the results you wanted!) 

This is me! I’m here to help! I actually love that my job description is helping others!
This is me! I’m here to help! I actually love that my job description is helping others!

So don’t hesitate to reach out if you need guidance, or if your order got messed up or is late… my job is to help fix that if I can! ~Naomi 

PS- I don’t know about you, but I’m kinda getting tired of the Black Friday sale pushes… however next week will be YL’s sale week & I’ve heard some items will be discounted up to 65% off. So keep an eye out if you like deals or need to stock up! 


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