Get the crap out!

My last health focus for this year is encouraging my body to release toxins. Cutting the crap has always been a focus for me because I have a genetic variation that essentially makes my body incapable of detoxing like the average person. This has actually caused a multitude of problems in the past. Ever since I started intentionally assisting my body with detoxification, I’ve seen a reduction in stress and an overall increase in relaxation and general health.

An added bonus is it helps reduce weight, as many times toxic stuff is trapped in our fat layers. As we reduce weight, is important those toxins are flushed out, but in turn, it assists with further weight being released!

Click here to view video  

You can register HERE for our event on detoxing.

If you are starting up with hot baths as I mentioned in the video, be sure you limit your time at first to no more than 20 minutes. And while I mentioned lavender as a favorite to add to detox baths, Stress Away is also a very relaxing combo!

How are you making time for your health right now? I’d love to hear- comment or email a reply!

Stay well & vibrant~ Naomi 


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