How Karth Trek came to be…

How Karth Trek came to be…
Hiking is a part of my therapy. It’s a part of my family’s therapy. But when we started hitting the trails, we had NO idea how impactful time in nature would be for our mental health. I was actually looking for a distraction for my husband… and me.

Wildflower hiking at Bock Nature Preserve

Wildflower hiking at Bock Nature Preserve
Earlier this week we participated in a Karth Family tradition- hiking through northern Indiana hardwood forests to find Dutchman‘s Breeches, a unique & dainty wildflower that is only found in specific areas… and only blooms for about a week!

Karth Trek- Hiking the WACF in Syracuse

Karth Trek- Hiking the WACF in Syracuse
Our family believes being outdoors creates a great foundation for health, and also education, so we try to spend as much time outside as we can. In addition to exercise, we are getting good exposure to vitamin D, inhaling essential oils direct from the source (tree hugging is a real thing) and if the weather allows, we will take off our shoes & socks to ground to the earth.

Our Christmas Hike- Benton Spillway

I almost didn’t write this post. We did go hiking yesterday, a Christmas tradition we unfortunately had skipped last year. Before kids and through the earliest years with babies, we always took the time to get out into nature on Christmas Day, to just enjoy the quiet and breath in the forest. 

Karth Trek: The Bloodroot Trail (Indiana Hiking)

Karth Trek: The Bloodroot Trail (Indiana Hiking)
This past week we went on one of our favorite fall time trails, and it helped me realize a past desire to share some of our favorite hiking locations on the blog.
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