A sad anniversary (or maybe not)

A sad anniversary (or maybe not)
Today marks three total years in foster care for our foster daughter. It’s hard to even type “foster daughter”, because soon she will just be our daughter… but even with court orders for adoption and adoption consent from birth parents, she is still in state wardship, and there she will remain, until a judge orders her legally ours.

Is zero screen time even possible?

Is zero screen time even possible?
Our family has been through a lot in the past few years, and one thing I’ve noticed creeping up in our home is the amount of time spent looking at screens. Just today I realized our DVD player is on its last legs, and I think that might be a blessing in disguise… but do I really want to eliminate screen time altogether, or just be more mindful about it?


Why we (secretly) did 1000 hours outside in 2022

Why we (secretly) did 1000 hours outside in 2022
Last week I mentioned in a photo caption that we hit over 1,000 hours outside this year… This was a huge accomplishment for our family, but when we started the year, I didn’t tell anyone (even my husband) that I planned to do it!

15 years of commitment

15 years of commitment
Yesterday, my husband Sam & I celebrated 15 years of marriage.

I joked about writing a blog post about 15 reasons we almost haven’t stay married, but to be honest, it’s never been an option to not be together. We are ironed together in a way that some people just don’t even get. Meant to be, and both too stubborn to ever quit on the other. 

Detoxin’ the kids

Detoxin’ the kids
Yesterday my kids went to a birthday party… And I fully intended to leave before the cake even made an appearance, but instead, I turned around at one point & realized someone had already served my bonus daughter a slice of cake AND Pepsi. And it was all downhill from there.
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