Homework & homeschool essential oil helpers- Part Three After School

Homework & homeschool essential oil helpers- Part Three After School

The time between school ending and dinner starting is sometimes the most difficult part of the day here. I’m sure I’m not the only mom who feels this! 


Homeschooling (and home work) helpers- part two The Midday Blues

Homeschooling (and home work) helpers- part two The Midday Blues

Our homeschooling adventures continue… 

Last week I shared our favorite morning starts- this week I want to cover everyone’s least favorite part of day, that slump after lunch! And while the title says for homeschool, this is a topic that applies to everyone, even YOU!


Do the Red Drink 🍷

My kids wiped me out today, so just a quick post today- In September we are doing a 30 day Ningxia Red challenge for our active team members in our Facebook VIP Member Group! Be sure you are ready to join us by grabbing your Red today!

Want to amp up results? Try the Red Drink- my new afternoon favorite way to combine two of my favorite supplement!

First, let’s talk Ningxia Red- Think superfruit, high antioxidant juice, infused with oils! Powers up your immune system, helps maintain normal blood sugar and normal vision. It also helps prevent oxidative stress, and provides energy!

 Plus it tastes awesome! (I like mine with an extra drop of orange or lime vitality. Tastes like a Lifesaver!)

To make the Red Drink, we also need Sulfurzyme Powder- Supports brain health, healthy hair, nails & skin, supports healthy digestion & contains a prebiotic which helps gut health! Prebiotics help detox the body too!

It combines wolfberry with MSM, a naturally occurring organic form of dietary sulfur needed by our bodies every day to maintain the structure of proteins, protect cells and cell membranes, replenish the connections between cells, and preserve the molecular framework of connective tissue. MSM supports the immune system, the liver, circulation, and proper intestinal function and works to scavenge free radicals!

You can just drink the powder with water, but it’s not my favorite... Ok, it’s gross. Ha ha!

Sooooooo do the Red Drink instead!

What you need:
An empty bottle of NingXia Red
Add 1-2 oz of NingXia to the bottle
ADSD 1 teaspoon of the Sulfurzyme powder
3 drops Lime Vitality (for extra flavor & zest!)
Fill the rest with filtered water and shake!

Best results drink an hour before or after meals!

Check out Dr Peter Menke for the Red Drink via YouTube
The Red Drink


Dr Lindsey Elmore for her awesome science tip on Sulfurzyme

Be sure to grab your Red today & join our challenge to kick off your fall health!

Stay Well~ Naomi 

Our first oily pregnancy and rainbow baby!

After that surprise positive pregnancy test, things got REAL pretty quickly! One thing I loved was having our Young Living essential oils at hand to help with the little ups and downs that come with growing a baby during pregnancy! 

Here's a list of resources we used during our rainbow baby pregnancy:

Young Living Essential Oils used during pregnancy:
Joy (over heart and belly, inhaled)
Valor (over heart, belly, lower back)
Gentle Baby (belly/hips)
KidScents Lotion (belly/hips)
Orange (legs)
Cypress (ankles/legs)
CelLite Magic massage oil (for prenatal massages/hips/legs)
Ortho Ease massage oil (prenatal massage/hips/back)
Wintergreen* (back/hips)
PanAway* (back/hips)
Ginger (belly/chest, inhaled)
Peppermint (belly/chest, inhaled)
Stress Away (wrists/back of neck, inhaled)

*These were used with my care provider's express permission due to the use of prescription blood thinners in my pregnancy (from genetic issues and because I was a high risk case)

Young Living essential oil infused supplements used to support a healthy mom during pregnancy:
Thyromin (support adrenal and thyroid gland)
MultiGreens (supports energy and iron production)
Sulfurzyme aka MSM (supports cell production, immune system)
Ningixa Red (I didn't mention this drink in my video, but I drank 4-6 oz per day to help with energy and get my antioxidants! It tastes wonderful too, and was sometimes the only thing I could keep down!)

This is by no means an exhaustive list of the essential oils helps I had during pregnancy, but it is definitely a start! If you'd like to chat oils and pregnancy- contact me!

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