Homework & homeschool essential oil helpers- Part Three After School

The time between school ending and dinner starting is sometimes the most difficult part of the day here. I’m sure I’m not the only mom who feels this! 

Homeschool helpers through essential oils keep our family school on track!

My first tip is to be mindful that a snack may be needed (even if you are an adult haha)- after all, lunch was a while ago.

MightyZymes is an easy to chew digestive enzyme supplement made just for kids!

This is also a good time to give your kids MightyZymes, a chewable enzyme made just for children that helps aid digestion. We like to give with a smaller snack so your body utilizes all the enzymes. Enzymes are essential for keeping food moving through the body.

EndoFlex is a spearmint scented essential oil blend to help energize your whole day!

This is also a good time of day to reapply EndoFlex! If you haven’t tried EndoFlex before, or didn’t feel it made a big impact in your energy- let me share a pro tip: You want to try applying it at least 2-3 times a day! We utilize this blend in the morning and afternoon applied over the thyroid (throat area) then before bed under the big toes, which is the vita flex point for the thyroid. (We do that so the minty scent doesn’t keep us awake.)

EndoFlex Vitality essential oil is a supplement blend of oils to help support the endocrine system, including the thyroid gland.

EndoFlex, which also comes as a Vitality supplement oil blend, is thus named because it is a blend meant to nourish and energize the endocrine system. And while it definitely does help you get up & go in the morning, at night it can help deepen your sleep!

I love EndoFlex for kids because they are constantly growing and that support is essential while they do so!

Fresh air & sunshine are important to our homeschool life, plus getting natural vitamin D from the sun!

We also take a break in the afternoon, even if not “done” with our schooling, to get outside and breath, stretch and ground with the earth. Being barefoot outside is a necessary part of our day with four very active kids!

What after school rituals do you have with your family?

Stay safe & well! ~ Naomi

PS: Missed my previous posts? You can read Part 1 here and Part 2 here!


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