I don’t know about you, but in our family there’s nothing like the holiday season arriving to help stir up feelings… and not always good ones. Tis the season for hurt people to find healing. And if you are seeking to forgive the past, the Feelings Kit, and especially these next two oil blends are good tools to have.

And if you are seeking to forgive the past, the Feelings Kit, and especially these next two oil blends are good tools to have.

Forgiveness as an oil blend is sometimes misunderstood. This isn’t a magic oil you apply & others are suddenly forgiven. It’s a blend of oils to help your heart and mind process the idea of forgiveness and be more open to giving and receiving it. I love this blend on the ears, as there are acupressure points on the ear for both parent figures, as well as forgiveness. Another option is the top of the head. I tend to use the phrase “I forgive myself for the past.” when using this particular blend. Generally no need to dilute this one. 

Inner Child is a beautiful floral scent! I know many who use this as a signature perfume. Don’t let that fool you- this is a heavy hitter for emotional needs! I apply over my heart and then breathe in the oil left on my hands. A great affirmation for this sweet oil is “I embrace my past and cherish the good memories.” This is a photosensitive blend so in addition to diluting it 50/50 with a carrier oil (I love avocado oil in winter), if you apply to visible skin, avoid direct sunlight for 12 hours. 

We covered the topic of forgiveness this past week in our advent devotional and one thing I want to share is if you can’t forgive someone who has hurt you… you can still forgive yourself for the hurt and let it go. 

May your heart be open to healing if you need it this Christmas. ~ Naomi


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