I love a fresh start. Just ask my kids- they know my favorite things to purchase for fun are planners, journals, sticky notes and colored pens. There’s just something about a new notebook- waiting to be used- that makes me excited. 

This year I actually decided not to set new goals, because I’m in the process of working through some pretty good ones. Like my goal from August to release 100 pounds- I’m already almost half way there!

So I look at this as setting (or resetting) intentions. I took some space to reflect on what I did accomplish this part year, and to give myself a pat on the back for making it through. (Do that right now- give yourself a pat on the back or a high five! You made it!)

Then looking at what I want to change or renew. 

Then making sure my goals align with how I want my life and our family life to be. 

I know it sounds simple, but that’s actually our family’s word for 2022- SIMPLE. 

So to keep things simple, here are three oil blends I love using when I working on goal setting or moving life forward, and if you use the promo offerings from YL, you may have even earned these all for free in the past year!

Essential oils work with the emotional center of your brain, and are a useful tool for helping calm your mind and clarify what really matters most.

Use essential oils to help set your yearly goals or intentions to help keep your mind on what matters!

BELIEVE- Most people find it hard to believe in themselves, and this is a woodsy blend I turn to when I need reminded I can do hard things!

Use essential oils to help set your yearly goals or intentions to help keep your mind on what matters!

ACCEPTANCE- When you apply and inhale this blend, remind yourself that it’s okay to not control everything and that slow progress is better than none. 

Use essential oils to help set your yearly goals or intentions to help keep your mind on what matters!

GRATITUDE- I don’t believe goals are useful tools unless we are also expressing gratitude for all we’ve already accomplished and been given. I love this one on the wrists as I write in my planner what I am grateful for each morning. 

Do you have a family word for 2022? I’d love the know it! 

Stay safe & well~ Naomi 


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