A simple Christmas wish
All I want for Christmas this year is simplicity…

Hot chocolate makes me happy, so I’ve been enjoying a mug occasionally. Check the bottom of this post for my easy dairy-free recipe.
Hot chocolate makes me happy, so I’ve been enjoying a mug occasionally. Check the bottom of this post for my easy dairy-free recipe.

Our lives have been so hectic and full as a foster family. Some days I think back and wonder what our lives would be like if the tree in 2019 had been finished, and no baby was placed under it… A running joke in our family is my Christmas tradition is a baby under the tree, and thankfully we’ve put that tradition to rest!

Baby Ezra in 2018, the perfect gift after a hard birth and recovery for momma.
Baby Ezra in 2018, the perfect gift after a hard birth and recovery for momma.

Then in 2019 we were surprised by being asked to be the kinship foster home for Miss M, leading to another baby under the tree!
Then in 2019 we were surprised by being asked to be the kinship foster home for Miss M, leading to another baby under the tree!

But we said yes to fostering, and now we are shortly to stay yes to adoption as well. And while our lives will always carry a certain level of chaos, I’ve realized that I can *choose* simplicity… And that’s what I’m doing this year.

Less presents. More presence.
Less running. More time together. 
Most of our time lately has been spent out hiking, playing in the backyard, and basking in the glow of our (not quite) decorated tree, while we watch Christmas movies. And I’m okay with that!

The fanciest thing I’ve done this year was print off “Polar Express” tickets for the kids to turn in when we watched the movie!
The fanciest thing I’ve done this year was print off “Polar Express” tickets for the kids to turn in when we watched the movie!

Of course, you can’t watch the Polar Express without having hot chocolate… And I even have a hack for that!

Dairy Free Hot Chocolate 
1/3 cup chocolate chips
2/3 cup milk alternative 
1 drop of vitality oil (peppermint or Orange are great!) 

For each portion you want, combine 1/3 cup chocolate chips with 2/3 cup of your favorite type of non-dairy milk alternative in a sauce pan. My preference is almond milk, and these are my favorite chocolate chips for those with allergies in the family.  Simply whisk milk & chocolate together over low heat, then pour into mugs when hot (or not if you have kids haha).

If you love peppermint like we do, we like to take these dye-free candy canes & crush them for a festive topper!

Next week watch for our gluten free “chocolate candy cane” cookies recipe… This is a great soft cookie for special occasions, and since it’s lower in sugar you don’t even have to feel guilty!

And a Merry Christmas to you and your family! ~Naomi 

PS- I lost a close friend this past week and in our last conversation I’m so grateful I told her I loved her and how much she meant to me. Take some time this holiday season to make sure those you love KNOW you love them! 💕


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