Karth Trek- Ox Bow Park (Goshen Indiana)
While we love to travel and find new places to hike, sometimes we find a local gem hiding right under our nose… Like discovering Ox Bow Park, in Goshen last week.

Checking out a branch of the Elkhart River in Ox Bow Park in Goshen, IN
Checking out a branch of the Elkhart River in Ox Bow Park in Goshen, IN

We stopped in Goshen last week, planning on driving up to the dunes in Michigan. Realizing we didn’t have enough time to travel & enjoy much daylight for hiking, we opted to explore Ox Bow Park, which was located right across from the Meijer where we grabbed some snacks.

It costs $3 to enter the park, and it was worth every penny! Not only does this park have miles of trails, but it also has a modest archery range and a multitude of playgrounds. Our kids requested we play on every playground, but alas we will have to return to complete that task. Haha!

My kiddos enjoying one of the many playgrounds in Ox Bow Park
My kiddos enjoying one of the many playgrounds in Ox Bow Park

We parked near the covered bridge and hiked through the marsh trail, circling to several sections of picnic areas for the playgrounds, then heading back to our parking spot via the covered bridge.

A view from under the covered bridge, which we first hiked across, then drove across when we left the park.
A view from under the covered bridge, which we first hiked across, then drove across when we left the park.

My favorite section of the hiking trails was through a stand of huge conifer trees. My oldest called them “tree bridges” because they reach so high & seem to cover you, “like a bridge”. I enjoyed it for the muted sounds and the dry scent from the needles underfoot.

My oldest, at four feet tall, gives a sense of scale for these massive trees!
My oldest, at four feet tall, gives a sense of scale for these massive trees!

If you want a local adventure, or a place to immerse yourself in nature, then this park is definitely one we recommend! We are planning on buying a park pass and making this a regular stop for Karth Trekking! ~Naomi 

I love seeing fall peeking through in the leaves! Autumn is such a glorious time to be in nature.
I love seeing fall peeking through in the leaves! Autumn is such a glorious time to be in nature.

PS- Back by request is my YL on a Budget event, which breaks down the tips & tricks I’ve learned through a decade of having Young Living in our lives! Be sure to register if you want to find out more!

PPS- If you haven’t checked it out yet, the Holiday Catalog has dropped and there are a bunch of great gift ideas…even for yourself! 


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