Natural doesn’t equal perfect…
I had an interesting conversation recently with someone who was utterly shocked I took my children to Burger King that day. It was far from ideal, that day. My kids had been more than enough to handle, and I had to feed them. It happened, and it’s okay, because I did feed them!

It was less than perfect, and I think that’s what stumps some people about using oils or herbs or supplements…

They think it’s all or nothing. You get the oils, and then you have to quit coffee, start sourdough bread and make your own clothes. If you don’t have chickens (which we don’t, we live in town) then you are just a weirdo who doesn’t fit in. 😂

I’m going to tell you a secret… I have a slight addiction to Panera’s iced chai. 😬
I’m going to tell you a secret… I have a slight addiction to Panera’s iced chai. 😬

But seriously, I do see how we can get tripped up on that idea, because when we concentrate on our health, we can find many things that need changed! The trick is to focus on just one or two- and not overwhelm yourself & your family because maybe you don’t want to change everything at once! And that’s OKAY! 

My family has been a work in progress for decades now… slowly changing what doesn’t serve us, and researching the focused areas we need to change. But our lifestyle didn’t happen overnight! And it’s far from perfect!

My kids waiting on their ice cream the other night… because we all went out for ice cream (with sprinkles) because I made my June goal & they helped!
My kids waiting on their ice cream the other night… because we all went out for ice cream (with sprinkles) because I made my June goal & they helped!

Two things to do if you want to make changes toward a more natural life…

First, keep it simple! Start small, be consistent, and honor what your heart tells you about how things are going! Remember I am here if you have questions or need tips, but give yourself & your family grace.

But also, use your tools! One of the things our family often has to give grace about is keeping everyone fed. We do have food sensitivities to navigate, but we don’t eat perfectly! In those times, I’m so grateful we have products like DiGize or Essentialzymes and MightyZymes to help aid digestion! Use what you have, and have what you use!

Overall, it’s okay to drink coffee, or iced chai 😬, if it makes you happy! Just keep it in balance, because there should be joy in our lives, no matter what! Baby steps are still steps in the right direction.


PS- I have a lot of education coming up, plus ideas on what to order for self-care and how to stack those exclusive monthly promos! Click on each link to learn more:


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