Time change… ⏰ Ugh.
If there was a candidate running solely on the platform of abolishing the time change, I’d vote for them!

We really aren’t meant to “flex” the time like that, and the toll we feel in our bodies is real!

If you are like me, you probably woke up dragging a bit today, and maybe wondering if you could pause parenting for a week or two until your kids level out. 😅

Here are three of my must-haves for helping your mind & body stay sane as we recover from the (ridiculousness) time change this past weekend:

Rutavala- this is my favorite sleep enhancing oil blend. It is strong & works really well if you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep! Roll on wrists & back of neck, inhale deeply, and get back to sleep!

Linalol is a constituent in essential oils known for helping relax the body & may help potentially combat insomnia.
Linalol is a constituent in essential oils known for helping relax the body & may help potentially combat insomnia.

EndoFlex- This is my daily necessity for a healthy thyroid & happy adrenals, but when the time change flips, I add 1-2 applications of this to keep my energy up. (Bonus addition… do a thing of Nitro at the same time!)

EndoFlex is known for its refreshing & energizing scent!
EndoFlex is known for its refreshing & energizing scent!
Clarity- I love applying this to the brain stem to just help cut through the “clutter” in my mind. I also love diffusing it with lemon (6 drops of lemon + 2 drops of Clarity) for a fresh scent too.

Clarity has basil and rosemary in its blend, both oils know for enhancing memory.
Clarity has basil and rosemary in its blend, both oils know for enhancing memory.

What are you doing to cope this week?



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