Lessons from the t-ball field! ⚾️
In the whirlwind of getting our foster children adopted this spring, I forgot I had intended to sign them up for a local church t-ball league. This particular league fills up quickly, so I was very thankful to find out they had saved 3 spaces for our boys. Our youngest was still a little too young to participate this season, so she was assigned the task of being a cheerleader!
Our ornery crew of boys, ready to learn all about t-ball!Our ornery crew of boys, ready to learn all about t-ball!

I wanted to share a few things we learned going through a season of learning a new sport and watching the kids play ball-

It’s okay to stink at something when you first try it! One of our kids learned this the hard way. He struggled to catch, throw and even run the bases, but he kept learning each week, and he didn’t give up! By the last game, he was no all-star, but he had improved in all aspects and we were so proud of how he kept going!
I love this photo of the kids, it reminds me the movie The Sandlot!I love this photo of the kids, it reminds me the movie The Sandlot!

There are more important things than prizes! I do believe competitive sports are important, and plan for all our kids to be in 4H for the ability to learn how to work towards achieving goals… But good clean fun is also, well, fun! And we enjoyed cheering on the other teams just as much as our own team.

Maturity is more important than age. This was hard lesson to learn, but despite all our boys qualifying in age for the league, one of them lacked the maturity to actually participate in the game. We opted not to bench him, because he was there to learn too, but he definitely needs more maturity under his belt if he’s going to play again. Safety aside, it was hard to watch him and realize he simply wasn’t ready for the moving parts of the game, and being capable of listening to his coaches. 
When we did team photos, the boys insisted we do a “Karth Team” photo with little sis!When we did team photos, the boys insisted we do a “Karth Team” photo with little sis!

While the season kept us busy, we definitely enjoyed watching the games & cheering everyone on! I especially appreciate the coaches, with their patience and willingness to include everyone! I wasn’t sure if we would like being a sports family, but we plan on doing it again next season!


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