January 2023 Young Living Promo tips + usage

January 2023 Young Living Promo tips + usage
I love fresh starts, and new goals… and while my goals & habits haven’t changed much with the calendar year, my plans for this blog have! So I will be offering a post the first week of each month with the breakdown of Young Living’s Promotional offerings, plus my own tips for use. That way you can always come back and reference usage or know which level value you want to order that month.

First Hike at the WACF (Syracuse) + geocaching

First Hike at the WACF (Syracuse) + geocaching
First Hike is a phrase that was created to celebrate the first official hike of the year. Most people attempt to hike on January first, to set the tone for the year…

A peaceful Christmas + cookie recipe

A peaceful Christmas + cookie recipe
We didn’t get a ton of snow last week, but we had so much wind they couldn’t keep the roads clear, so I got my wish- a simple Christmas. We had to postpone meeting up with family and the foster families that we are connected to by raising our children’s siblings. We snuggled up, enjoyed my husband’s first day off in almost two months… and did nothing much, but it was still special!

A simple Christmas wish

A simple Christmas wish
All I want for Christmas this year is simplicity…

A sad anniversary (or maybe not)

A sad anniversary (or maybe not)
Today marks three total years in foster care for our foster daughter. It’s hard to even type “foster daughter”, because soon she will just be our daughter… but even with court orders for adoption and adoption consent from birth parents, she is still in state wardship, and there she will remain, until a judge orders her legally ours.
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